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Login and registration
My information
To make a reservation
My reservation
List of computers or the type of computers the library has

In this service, you can reserve customer computers at Library. You can make only one reservation at a time. A new reservation can be made when you use the computer you reserved. You need to register with the service in order to be able to make reservations. You can browse computers and available times without logging in or registering with the service. Libraries have also so-called queue-up computers, which cannot be reserved.

Login and registration

In order to log in you need your library card and your PIN code. You will receive both at the library by presenting your identification card. You can log into the service by using, in addition to your library card, even your e-mail address. First you must add the e-mail address to your own information in the service (when logging into the service for the first time you must use your library card). When logging in for the first time, the user is registered with the service.
File description in accordance with Personal Data Act

The user is responsible for his/her login code’s information security and its use, so do keep your codes safe and do not hand them over to other people. The library is not responsible for damages caused by the misuse of codes. The library has the right to remove a user from the register and prevent him/her from using computers if the terms of use have been violated or the code or service have been misused by the person in question. Customer information not used for six months will automatically be removed from the system.

When you end your session with the service, please remember to log out. The log out link is found in the left column.

My information

Fill in your name into your information. This makes it easier to provide services, e.g. when making or canceling a reservation by telephone. You can log into the service by using, in addition to your library card, also your e-mail address, after the address has been added into the field designated for it. Use the same address as in the Helmet service. My favorite library fields create in the left column shortcuts to the reservation status at the libraries of your choice. A default classification will be made according to your first favorite library into the “List of computers” function.

To make a reservation

You start to make a reservation by searching for available times. From the library links in the left column or the “Select a library” menu in the middle column of the front page you will be transferred to the reservation status of the computers in the library in question. By using the advanced search you can search for available times in all libraries and you can also limit the type of computer and the point of time for the reservation. The reservation can also be made with the function “List of computers”. You can also log into the service only when making the actual reservation.

The listing of the reservation status of the library’s computers

Your search terms section provides information on the library corresponding to the listing and the date. The date can be changed from the calendar. You can select between the current and the following 30 days. The length of the reserved time is selected from the buttons “Reserved time”. The selection changes the listing so that you can only see the available icons that can offer a reservation meeting the selected length of time. The computer and the starting time of the reservation are selected by clicking the desired icon in the listing. The color of the icon indicates the type of the computer and the number refers to the number of the computer. The white icons refer to computers meant for adults and the blue icons to those meant for children (under 15 years of age). The CD-ROM computers for children can only be used with the CD-ROMs installed on the computers, and they have no Internet connection. In libraries with no separate computers for children, children can also use the computers meant for adult users. In many libraries there are also so-called queue-up computers, which cannot be reserved. The information on these computers can be found in the left column at the section “List of computers”.

Information on the computer and reservation

When you have selected a computer, you will be transferred to a page where you can view more detailed information on the computer and your reservation will be confirmed.

Information on the computer provides e.g. the location of the computer in the library, the longest allowed time for reservation and any special programs and devices available. Additional information can also provide comments about e.g. limitations of the computer for a certain use only.
Information on the reservation states the date and the starting time of the reserved session. The length of the reserved time can still be changed from the menu. You can leave a message concerning the reservation to the staff in the field reserved for this purpose. In case you have not yet logged into the service, you need to do so at this stage by filling in the login information. The reservation is made with the “Reserve a computer” button. When the reservation has succeeded it will be confirmed on the screen.

My reservation

Information on active reservations is provided on the front page or in the “My reservation” section. You cannot edit your reservation afterwards, but when needed you can cancel your reservation and make a new one. Do remember to cancel a reservation you do not need. You can also cancel a reservation by telephone (Contact information of libraries). Your reservation will expire, if you have not arrived to the computer within 10 minutes from the beginning of the reserved time.

List of computers or the type of computers the library has

All customer computers of the library can be found in the left column at the “List of computers” section. You can change the library from the menu. The color of the icon indicates the type of the computer and the number refers to the number of the computer. The white icons refer to computers meant for adults and the blue icons to those meant for children (under 15 years of age). The CD-ROM computers for children can only be used with the CD-ROMs installed on the computers, and they have no Internet connection. In libraries with no separate computers for children, children can also use the computers meant for adult users. The red icons refer to so-called queue-up computers that cannot be reserved.

The detailed information on each computer can be viewed by clicking the icon of the computer. The information tells e.g. the location of the computer in the library, the maximum allowed time for reservation and any special programs and devices available. Additional information can also provide comments about e.g. limitations of the computer for a certain use only. You can also reserve a time for the computer on this page.

If nothing else is mentioned about this computer, then it is a so-called Verho computer. During the year 2005, a new customer computer type will replace the Verho computers. Library 10 has special computers, which you can search for by e.g. performing an advanced search and by limiting the terms for the search with additional services. Furthermore, the libraries have computers for browsing material that are intended for the users of the Helmet service. You cannot reserve the computers for material search; neither can you view them in the “Book a PC” service.

Information on Verho computers:
User interface Windows NT 4.0 in Finnish
Internet access
Internet Explorer 5.x or 6.x and Netscape Navigator 4.x browsers in Finnish
Office 97 FIN (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Adobe Photoshop Elements 1.0 FIN
Temporary storage and saving option on diskettes (no support for USB memories)

Information on the new computer type replacing Verho:
The first new work stations in use in the Main Library and Library 10 during the summer of 2005.
Applications are published using the Citrix MetaFrame technology
Many applications are provided in multilingual versions (e.g. in Finnish, Swedish, English, Russian)
Internet access
Internet Explorer 6.x and Mozilla Firefox 1.x browsers
Office 2003 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Paint Shop Pro 9.x
Adobe Acrobat Elements (create PDF files)
Saving option on diskettes and USB memories